
This is my acting resume, reflecting some of my professional theatre and film experiences. Included are special skills, educational training, and relevant experiences.
El Duelo
In 2024, I moved and lived in Spain for a school year teaching Spanish. While there, I wrote a one-man play inspired by my and other’s experiences there titled El Duelo. Then, upon returning to the States after the school year ended, I self-produced and starred in a production of the play.
Below are the production photos, taken by Fernando Tipacti Jr.

Another Medea
At the end of my apprenticeship at Theatrical Outfit, the apprentice cohort fully produced a production of the one-man show Another Medea by Aaron Mark as our Tom Key Arts Leadership Apprentice Program showcase.
Below are the production photos, taken by Nick Hattings.

Production Photos
A Christmas Carol at the Alliance Theatre
A Christmas Carol at the Alliance Theatre

Things I'd Never Say at the National Theater Institute

Silent Sprig at the National Theater Institue

Mother at the National Theater Institute

Indoor Kids at the National Theater Institute
Indoor Kids at the National Theater Institute
Engagements at Ohio University
Engagements at Ohio University
She Kills Monsters at Ohio University
She Kills Monsters at Ohio University
She Kills Monsters at Ohio University
She Kills Monster at Ohio University

She Kills Monsters at Ohio University
She Kills Monsters at Ohio University

An Iliad at Theatrical Outfit

An Iliad at Theatrical Outfit

An Iliad at Theatrical Outfit

Acting Reel
Below is my acting reel, a collection of clips from various productions I have acted in.
The Grieving Process
On November 10th, 2021, I lost my brother in his fight against mental illness. To help me with my grieving process, I created this short film about what it has been like for me losing him. I started this project a few months after he passed, but it became clear very soon that I did not have it in me to handle creating such an emotionally charged short film. After attempting to film it, stepping away, and then coming back to it half a year later, I can see that what I needed was time.
So, that is my message to anyone who views this piece; take your time. Whatever it is will be there when you get back. You are more important than whatever it is.
Due to the restrictions of COVID on Theatre in my last year at Ohio University (2021), the production of Macbeth decided to create it as a film. This way all students could enjoy the production, and it was easier to control the variables that came with COVID. Linked to the right, you can watch the entire production.
When I was 12-Years-Old
A spoken-word piece that I wrote the summer of 2020 when all of the protests started—filmed, and edited by a collaborated who would like to remain anonymous. George Floyd’s murder often reminds me as a young, Black man that there are no exceptions for people like me. That no matter how innocent, the murder of Black folk is still going to happen. If George Floyd didn’t teach me that, Breonna Taylor did. The fact that her murderers are still free right now is unspeakable. She had goals. Dreams. Aspirations. She was working hard in life. She was a person, like the rest of us, asleep in her own bed. Yet, there’s been no justice. Make it make sense. The amount of murdered Black people that can appear on a list is breathtaking. It’s painful knowing that even if I died innocent, my murderers still have the ability to walk freely. Elijah McClain taught me that. The protest that have been happening are needed. They are essential. If they don’t fight, who will?
At the end of the video, there’s a list of places to donate to—they’re focused on helping black communities, individuals, etc. Please take the time to donate. If you can’t donate, please take the time to share.
This is a video project written, filmed, and edited by me. This project discusses the word “nigga” and its use for individuals who are white. Although this term has been reclaimed by the Black community, white people still use it in a variety of ways: within a song, to degrade, to sound cool, etc. My main question within this piece is why? Why is there a nigga to begin with and who needs it? It serves its purpose for the Black community by now being a term of endearment. But in a time of Black fishing and appropriating Black culture, it feels like white people need it; not so they can use it as a term of companionship, but to be closer to Blackness.
Senior Showcase
In the spring of 2021, Ohio University’s Theater Department decided to have its first-ever senior showcase. This showcase is composed of scenes or monologues performed by the graduating BFA and MFA acting students. Below are my two scenes from the showcase. I hope you enjoy it!
One of the scenes from Ohio University’s senior showcase.
One of the scenes from Ohio University’s senior showcase.