Thank you for looking through my website. I just graduated from Ohio University in 2021 with my BFA in Acting. At the end of June of 2022, I finished working as an artistic apprentice, with an acting focus, at Theatrical Outfit, where I performed Another Medea for the apprentice showcase. Recently, I produced a public reading of my own TV pilot, Stoner Stories, completed the Kenny Leon Internship at the Alliance Theatre, traveled to Kentucky for a feature film, and performed part of a musical for the Miranda Family Fellows Summit. Currently, I am partcipating in NALCAP (North American Language and Cultural Assistants Program) and return to the US on June 1st, 2024. If you have any inquiries, would like to collaborate on a project, or connect with me, please fill out the contact form below! It will send to my email, which I check frequently. Thank you again!


“What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun?... Or does it explode?”- Langston Hughes